Saturday 2 May 2009

Trembling and quivering

~M has read my last post and is asking do I want permission?

Yes, yes , yes. But there is something of the masochist in me as I posted the next page I had written while waiting in desperation for her answer.
Will she get bored and log off or will she read my plea and …….

Waiting for answer is exquisite torture….

I am going to admit it to myself – finally…

I’m desperate to be controlled, to be told what to do – to myself, with others – that’s as far as I dare go at the moment - to admit any more and there’s lots more would be far too dangerous.

I felt I had to admit that, in case ~M was waiting for me to confess further – as a means of strengthening the control she has over me. I don’t want to risk doing the wrong thing. I can’t take much more arousal and I want her to……

Another revelation…..

Make me do something….. what?

Another thought….
Am I being too frank – have I put her off me… is this too disgusting for her?

I have read all her posts – it has made me feel better…..maybe it will be OK as she has written explicitly about controlling, about women – but will she…..

Maybe if I told her about the stories that had the most impact on me.

Another terrifying thought…

Can people read my blog and me not know? What if ~M is doing that and deliberately making me wait …….


Another milestone – and I’m trembling like a leaf in one of those breezes that just caresses your skin and also quivering like a frightened rabbit transfixed by the stare of a predator….

~M has just answered my last post

So I’m trembling with excitement about what will the control lead to – images swirling and chasing each other through my mind – delicious, wet, fingers and tongues.

I’m also quivering with fear in case that is the last contact.

The trembling is now associated with anxiety – what will I have to do?


  1. those questions were more rhetorical in nature... I wanted to make sure you understand that you need my approval, and my guidance.

  2. Collette,
    I believe that you need to make the difference between :
    wanting/needing to be dominate sexually, and be given permission/ being told what to do on one part...

    and looking for someone to face you thoughts, feelings, discovery of yourself about women, someone to maybe take care of that for you...

    Can you make the difference?
    Are you letting one mix with the other?
    are u willingly looking for one to over shadow the other?

    I'm just wondering...
