Tuesday 2 June 2009

Summer Heat....between the legs

New development today...

Not sure I know how to deal with this. Would appreciate some advice if any woman out there feels like coming in from the cold - from lurking on the periphery - to help me out here....

This isn't a dig at ~M - she is a star!

I was aroused by eye-contact with a woman today. She has a direct manner - gazes into my eyes - I'm sure there is a sexual message there:

"Yes, you are right - I recognise your interest and reciprocate."

I couldn't stop myself thinking about what her breasts looked like - under the fabric of her dress; what colour her pubic hair was; I lost the thread of our conversation.

I'm getting wet now, just writing about it.......

We spent an hour together working......

I wanted to run my fingers up the insides of her arms, trail my tongue up her legs from ankle to crotch, spreading her legs for me to see the soft freckled skin of her inner thighs; to lift her long hair from her pale neck and nuzzle her behind her pretty ears; to trace the outline of her lips with a wet finger and slip that finger in her mouth to be sucked gently.

Fuck, that is so potent an image.

I might even achieve the fantasy orgasm.

- on the other hand (sic) should I deny myself the exquisite pleasure of role playing her fingers on my clit.


  1. ::chuckle::

    frustrating, isn't it? what's a girl to do?...

    I collect up all the delightful details, the ones I love... they way she smoothes her skirt with her hands,, how she twirls her hair with her delicate finger,, the sight of her tongue as she licks her dry lips,, the lines of her neck,, the fabric of her shirt moving over her breasts...

    and as I'm talking to her, I revel in those sensual details... and it makes me smile. seeing me smile causes her to smile back. what she doesn't know is that I'm smiling at the thought of fucking her, and how I'll conjure these images of her later,, to make myself come... and oh my, how that delights me...

    and my smile widens,, just a bit.

  2. Maybe it was your presence I felt this morning as I had my most intense feeling ever. It is spooky how close what you say here is to what I experienced at about the same time you were writing your comment.
