Thursday 11 June 2009

Himself Surprised

This isn't an homage to Joyce Cary although most of us have conflicting elements that make up our personality. I'm getting to grips with exploring those conflicts here.

I might have to ration myself to one fantasy per day. Road testing this and the previous story led to me masturbating 3 times in 4 hours - which meant I have had very little sleep....

I probably wouldn't have attempted that weren't it for a certain new friend who teased and aroused me last night to the point that nearly had me screaming for release.

Having said that I really enjoyed writing this one - I'm finding that humour and sex go together - a bit obvious really when you think about the design of the parts involved!

Himself Surprised...

Dru was travelling across London, on his way to a short sabbatical at University College. He was looking forward to meeting the team and tapping into some of their research projects.
He was on the Piccadilly line, having just left his suitcase at Acton, in the small flat he had rented for the duration.
He planned to get off at Russell Square and revisit the park there, before continuing on foot to Tavistock Square – he remembered the place with nostalgia – this is where he kissed his first English girl.

He was far away in his reverie when a movement to his left caught his eye. He was sitting in the seat nearest the double doors and there was a glass plate between him and the standing area. The carriage was very crowded and people were pressed up against the glass.

The movement he saw rocked him back in his seat – a man’s hand was insinuating itself up the skirt of a young woman – just 6 inches away from him. By turning his head he had a grandstand view.

In order to access the flesh under the skirt, the hand pushed the skirt upwards – such was the press of bodies that the fabric stayed where it was and revealed a rather small, white lace thong, showcasing a beautifully executed Brazilian trim.

Dru watched in fascination as the hand slid the flimsy fabric to one side to invade the delights there. One finger penetrated the labia and he could see the movement focus on one small area. The woman’s legs moved apart and the area he could see increased – it was possible to make out not only a pert clit, but the promise of tight vagina further in.
By this time there were two fingers rubbing the clit and as he watched he saw it harden and swell.
Dru was totally absorbed in the scenario unfolding before him. He found it deliciously arousing – he had to adjust his penis a couple of times so it wouldn’t make his briefcase float above his lap.

He couldn’t believe it, he could see the woman’s juice oozing out around the fingers, it was so close that if the glass hadn’t been there he would have been able to taste it by just bending his head. Little muscles spasms seemed to be rippling out from her pink clit – shining and shimmering as the juice reflected the light in the carriage. She started to move her sex towards the fingers and the glass, this made them slide up her vagina, he could see the muscles open and close around them. The fingers started to pump inside her vagina – he could see more juice was coming out – it started to pool where the hand touched the glass at the end of each stroke. He could see her beginning to tremble and quiver.

What a treat, to see two people pleasuring each other on the way to work - no wonder he liked England!

He could see the woman’s face in profile – but couldn’t see the expression on her face – he imagined the pleasure and arousal she might be showing. Just then the carriage lurched as the train approached a station. The woman turned her head and Dru was able to look up into her eyes – he was shocked to see tears there – she mouthed at him, “Help me, help me…please.”

Without thinking of the consequences Dru leaped from his seat. As the carriage doors opened he barged through the crowd, collected her slight body around the waist and holding his briefcase like a battering ram, forced his way onto the platform.
He stood with his arms around her and looked to see if he could spot the perpetrator. Satisfied that he wasn’t going to be challenged, he turned to the small crowd that were waiting for the next train and explained that the woman had been assaulted and was feeling faint. The crowd parted to allow him to lead the woman away to sit on a bench on the platform.

She was stunning, dark red hair and very pale skin – she’d burn easily in the sun, he thought. She looked up at him, her green eyes made luminous by the tears.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“It was a pleasure,” Dru replied – in more ways than one, he thought guiltily; recalling her wet clit framed by the Brazilian and the lace.

She got to her feet, “I must go now – I’m late for work.” With that she managed to get through the crowd onto the next train – Dru reached down to get his briefcase and by the time he had, the train doors were closing – taking her away from him.

He was devastated and completely aroused – the pain of rejection and sexual frustration fought for supremacy. He stood forlorn for a moment and then pulled himself together.
He needed to get to University College, but somehow, the idea of revisiting an old romantic haunt had lost its appeal. So he left the station and walked from Covent Garden, up Drury Lane and past the British Museum instead. The pleasure he took from being able to find his way without asking for directions helped him calm down and restore his good humour.

They were all gathered in the lobby. Dick Bellamy, Nick Allen and Chris Boyle he knew well, but there were several people in the research team he hadn’t met before. The Director of the Political Science Department greeted him, “Hi Dru, good to see you again – we’re looking forward to working with you. Most of the team are here – I have allocated a research officer to you, Collette – a really bright spark who will challenge any dated ideas you have,” he laughed as he said this.
“Here she comes now.”

Dru dropped his briefcase, “You!” he said. She looked into his eyes and he saw her plea.
Dick said, “ You dark horse, I might have known you would have already got to work on Collette – typical Yank – over here stealing our women!”

Dru managed a laugh – it sounded a bit hollow to his ears but no one seemed to notice; “We met in Starbucks, when I spilt some coffee on her.”
They all laughed.

They moved off as a group and Dru fell in beside Collette. “Are you OK?” he asked. She nodded and whispered, “I’m sorry I ran off, I wanted to stay and thank you, but I was so ashamed of what you had seen.”

Dru squeezed her arm, “Don’t worry, I have forgotten it ever happened.”
She glanced down at his trousers, “Are you sure?” she said. He followed her eyes and saw his penis was just beginning to show its arousal.

“Oops, I need a cold shower,” he said.
“I can think of something much nicer,” she whispered.

He was surprised at her manner – hadn’t he rescued her?

She saw his face and laughed – “You really fell for it, didn’t you! Some of the research team had a bet about this. They dared me and another researcher to do a sexual role-play on the train to see if we could fool you into acting the knight-errant. Trouble was I got a bit carried away – in more ways than one.”

“You have a terrible reputation as a hot stud – I really got off on you seeing me – you saw how wet I got – I really wished the glass hadn’t been there……”

“But the tears,” he said. She smirked, ”All crocodile, I’m ashamed to say – though I did find some of the expressions on your face hilarious – so some would have tears of laughter, sorry I’m such a tease.”

She turned to another researcher and said, “Meet Rachel, my partner in crime, its OK she has washed her hand!”

Rachel had a firm handshake – and large hands. She winked at him and he realised they both shared a desire for Collette.

“We are sharing an office, so let’s go and settle in,” Collette said. Rachel winked again and Dru realised that Collette must be bisexual.

He made it to the office without tripping over his feet, although it was challenging to walk normally whilst trying to restrain an 8-inch boner with his briefcase.

As he shut the door to their office, Collette fell on him. “If I hadn’t left when I did I might have torn off your clothes on the platform, I was so horny, look at me,” she said and pointed to her pussy. He could see her clit peeking through her labia and that her juice had spread down her thighs.

“I had to throw my thong away it was ruined.”

Dru was in seventh heaven, he sunk to his knees in front of her and tasted her juice. It was so sweet.
He had been going to ask if this would be all right, but she gave her answer by pressing his face into her snatch. She started to move against him and that opened her labia giving him full access to the place he had seen through the glass. He nibbled her clit and then snaked his tongue into her vagina and she gave a little squeak.
“That is so good,” she gasped, “I hoped you would live up to your reputation.”
She pulled off her dress and sank to the floor with him. She pushed him back and sat astride him. “Can I have the first go on top?” she asked, “I do so like to ride.”
He could only nod – he was speechless at his luck. She slid down onto his prick, taking his full length in one slick move. It was incredible, it took all his self control not to cum there and then.
She moved slowly at first, rotating and thrusting gently, giving his penis time to explore the sides of her vagina. He felt her juice start to flow onto his body. He reached up to cup her breasts in his hands – rubbing her nipples with his thumbs. She threw her head back and shuddered.
Her thrusts increased in speed and depth, his prick went past her cervix – he could feel it bottoming out high up inside, next to her womb. Her muscles were beginning to clench around his dick – creating the most amazing feeling – as though every skin cell on his prick was in contact with her. She started to pant and buck. This must have made the shaft of his penis stimulate her G spot as she squealed, I’m cumming, I’m cumming.”
All her vaginal muscles contracted at once and she started to shudder and twitch. The juice squirted out onto his tummy and started to slide down his hips.
He couldn’t hold back and he took over the thrusts. He felt the tide of his orgasm rise and he groaned, “Oh yes,” as he jolted again and again. His cum squirted out to fill her upper vagina. She shrieked and had another massive orgasm, her body whipping back and forth.

She slid off him and snuggled up against his chest. “That was lovely, can we do it again soon, boss?”

“We have the whole semester to improve our communication skills,” he chuckled.

Talk about cementing Anglo-American academic relations, maybe a threesome might be on the cards….

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